You are currently viewing FFHA Annual Meeting – Saturday, April 20th

FFHA Annual Meeting – Saturday, April 20th

Please join us at FFHA’s Annual Meeting at the clubhouse on Saturday, April 20th. Registration begins at 11:30 am, followed by a light lunch at noon. The meeting will be called to order at 1:00 pm. Once a quorum of the property owners (members) has been established, representatives from Skyrunner will present and conduct Q&A. The Board of Directors will provide their annual reports. The members will vote on the proposed budget, elect two individuals to serve on the Board of Directors, and have the opportunity to vote on other motions before them.


While residents can join us via phone or video by visiting, our governing documents require that property owners can only vote in person or by assigning a proxy to vote on their behalf. Annual Meeting packets were mailed to every property owner’s mailing address as they are recorded in PayHOA. If you did not receive your packet, or if you need an extra copy, you can download a PDF of the packet from the link at the top of the Members Only page, minus the flyer Skyrunner provided.